Where are we? What are We? Who are We?
We are located in Mancos, Colorado. Mancos is a tiny western town in the Four Corners region, just 30 minutes west of Durango. We are currently offering a Certificate of Theology and mentoring in Biblical understanding and application. See the Study page for details.
We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit Christian ministry seeking to teach people how to know and follow the Triune God of the Bible. We are Evangelical and non-denominational. We do not charge for any of our teaching or mentoring.
We are men who are passionate about both following Jesus and helping others do the same. We are married and have families. Some of us are seminary types. And we know that knowledge and intellectual pursuit has it's dangers. But our pursuit is not knowledge itself, but God. And God has revealed Himself; most clearly in Jesus, as presented in His Word.
Scott Hunt
B.B.A, University of New Mexico
M. Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary
OBI Exectuive Director
Davey Wagner
B.A., Faith Evangelical College
M. Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary
Board Member, Pastor, Theologian
David Hampton
B.A, UC Santa Barbara
Board Member, Discipler
Our board members currently live in various locations in the US and are involved in various ministries and churches. These ministries may not be all that we envision, but we are working towards the ideals you see presented here. Oikos Bible Institute was founded in 2015 and we hope it continues to grow into the fullness of our vision. As God allows and provides, we hope to continuously seek after that which His Word and His Spirit has convinced us is true.